topDNS Best Practice Series: DNSAI Compass Dashboards – Benchmarking the prevalence and persistence of malware and phishing for registries and registrars
The DNS Abuse Institute & eco’s topDNS Initiative
invite you to the fith in a series of topDNS best practice webinars to showcase what the domain name industry is doing to fight DNS abuse.
Rowena Schoo, Director of Programs and Policy, at the DNS Abuse Institute will present on DNSAI Compass – an initiative to measure phishing and malware across the DNS ecosystem.
DNSAI Compass (“Compass”) has been measuring and reporting on the persistence and prevalence of phishing and malware in registrar and Top Level Domain (TLD) zones for over a year. The project reports on general abuse trends across the entire DNS ecosystem, including mitigation rates, and whether the registration was compromised or malicious.
In June 2023 Compass began ‘Specific Reporting’, which is intended to show the spectrum of how malicious phishing and malware is concentrated across the DNS registration ecosystem. It identifies registrars and TLDs with higher and lower relative volumes of malicious domain registration in their Domains Under Management (DUM), or new registrations.
Join us to hear more, including the latest element of Compass: Dashboards. These Dashboards provide registries and registrars with access to individualized data on phishing and malware in their zone. This is a unique opportunity to benchmark the prevalence and persistence of phishing and malware in your zones and to compare against an anonymized peer group.
You can track your performance over time to help you understand if your policies and processes are making an impact. Registries and registrars are also empowered to share this information internally and externally, with the ability to download and publish a PDF. As with all products and services from the DNS Abuse Institute, the Compass Dashboards are available free of charge to registries and registrars, join us to hear more.
Public Compass reporting and interactive charts are available at: https://dnsabuseinstitute.org/dnsai-compass
17:00 pm CEST
Welcome & Housekeeping
Lars Steffen
Director International, eco – Association of the Internet Industry
17:05 pm CEST
Recognising good practice in the DNS – towards positive, data-driven policy discussions
Rowena Schoo
Director of Programs and Policy, DNS Abuse Institute
17:45 pm CEST
18:00 pm CEST
End of Meeting

Rowena Schoo
Director of Programs and Policy
DNS Abuse Institute

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